| Symbols (ver 2.5) (clone of: avtsym14) | 1985 | Advanced Video Technology | avtsym25 | | 0.00 |
 | T.A.N.K (Japan) (clone of: tnk3) | 1985 | SNK | tnk3j | Shooter / Driving Vertical | 0.00 |
 | T.N.K III (US) | 1985 | SNK | tnk3 | Shooter / Driving Vertical | 7.87 |
| Tag-Team Wrestling | 1985 | Gottlieb | tagteamp | | 0.00 |
| Tag-Team Wrestling (rev.2) (clone of: tagteamp) | 1985 | Gottlieb | tagteamp2 | | 0.00 |
 | Tank Busters | 1985 | Valadon Automation | tankbust | Maze / Shooter Large | 5.50 |
 | TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, New Ver.) | 1985 | Sega | teddybb | Platform / Shooter | 7.25 |
 | TeddyBoy Blues (315-5115, Old Ver.) (clone of: teddybb) | 1985 | Sega | teddybbo | Platform / Shooter | 0.00 |
 | Tehkan World Cup (set 1) | 1985 | Tehkan | tehkanwc | Sports / Soccer | 6.77 |
 | Tehkan World Cup (set 2, bootleg?) (clone of: tehkanwc) | 1985 | Tehkan | tehkanwcb | | 0.00 |
 | Tehkan World Cup (set 3, bootleg) (clone of: tehkanwc) | 1985 | bootleg | tehkanwcc | | 0.00 |
 | Terra Cresta (YM2203) (clone of: terracre) | 1985 | Nichibutsu | terracren | | 0.00 |
 | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 1) | 1985 | Nichibutsu | terracre | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 6.55 |
 | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 2) (clone of: terracre) | 1985 | Nichibutsu | terracreo | | 0.00 |
 | Terra Cresta (YM3526 set 3) (clone of: terracre) | 1985 | Nichibutsu | terracrea | | 0.00 |
 | The Empire Strikes Back | 1985 | Atari Games | esb | Shooter / Flying 1st Person | 6.13 |
 | The FairyLand Story | 1985 | Taito | flstory | Platform / Run Jump | 8.00 |
 | The FairyLand Story (Japan) (clone of: flstory) | 1985 | Taito | flstoryj | Platform / Run Jump | 0.00 |
 | The Koukouyakyuh (sample of: equites) | 1985 | Alpha Denshi Co. | kouyakyu | Sports / Baseball | 7.11 |
| Three Ds - Three Dealers Casino House | 1985 | Nichibutsu | 3ds | | 0.00 |