| Gauntlet (rev 14) | 1985 | Atari Games | gauntlet | Maze / Shooter Large | 9.91 | 1925 | 26952 |
 | Berzerk (set 1) | 1980 | Stern Electronics | berzerk | Maze / Shooter Small | 9.89 | 2809 | 23303 |
 | Vs. Super Mario Bros. (set SM4-4 E) | 1986 | Nintendo | suprmrio | Platform / Run Jump Scrolling | 9.83 | 176 | 9672 |
 | R-Type (World) | 1987 | Irem | rtype | Shooter / Flying Horizontal | 9.82 | 50975 | 82376 |
 | Mappy (US) | 1983 | Namco | mappy | Platform / Run Jump | 9.76 | 16941 | 35049 |
 | Asteroids (rev 4) | 1979 | Atari | asteroid | Shooter / Field | 9.65 | 1760 | 24749 |
 | DoDonPachi (International, Master Ver. 97/02/05) | 1997 | Cave (Atlus license) | ddonpach | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 9.64 | 5039 | 45916 |
 | Wizard of Wor (sample of: wow) | 1980 | Midway | wow | Maze / Shooter Small | 9.64 | 4098 | 18942 |
 | ESP Ra.De. (International, Ver. 98/04/22) | 1998 | Cave (Atlus license) | esprade | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 9.62 | 1958 | 34171 |
 | Marble Madness (set 1) | 1984 | Atari Games | marble | Maze | 9.61 | 3338 | 24733 |
 | Space Dungeon | 1981 | Taito America Corporation | sdungeon | Shooter / Field | 9.60 | 25 | 11859 |
 | 720 Degrees (rev 4) | 1986 | Atari Games | 720 | Sports / Skateboarding | 9.60 | 109 | 18587 |
 | Tac/Scan | 1982 | Sega | tacscan | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 9.58 | 341 | 13824 |
 | R-Type Leo (World) | 1992 | Irem | rtypeleo | Shooter / Flying Horizontal | 9.58 | 13007 | 39486 |
 | Three Wonders (World 910520) | 1991 | Capcom | 3wonders | Multiplay | 9.57 | 253 | 31226 |
 | Missile Command (rev 3) | 1980 | Atari | missile | Shooter / Command | 9.56 | 835 | 17433 |
 | Dig Dug (rev 2) | 1982 | Namco | digdug | Maze / Digging | 9.54 | 277 | 24958 |
 | Galaga (Namco rev. B) | 1981 | Namco | galaga | Shooter / Gallery | 9.53 | 562 | 34546 |
 | Paperboy (rev 3) | 1984 | Atari Games | paperboy | Misc. | 9.53 | 189 | 19420 |
 | Pengo (set 1 rev c) | 1982 | Sega | pengo | Maze | 9.53 | 175 | 18628 |
 | Scramble | 1981 | Konami | scramble | Shooter / Flying Horizontal | 9.52 | 1043 | 19853 |
 | Defender (Red label) | 1980 | Williams | defender | Shooter / Flying | 9.52 | 376 | 21704 |
 | Burger Time (Data East set 1) | 1982 | Data East Corporation | btime | Platform / Run Jump | 9.52 | 632 | 21942 |
 | Donkey Kong (US set 1) | 1981 | Nintendo of America | dkong | Platform / Run Jump | 9.52 | 1036 | 36597 |
 | Xevious (Namco) | 1982 | Namco | xevious | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 9.51 | 1920 | 21142 |
 | Neo Mr. Do! | 1996 | Visco | neomrdo | Maze / Digging | 9.51 | 779 | 24332 |
 | Gravitar (version 3) | 1982 | Atari | gravitar | Shooter / Field | 9.50 | 504 | 14808 |
 | Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02J 1997/02/10) | 1997 | Taito Corporation | arkretrn | Breakout | 9.50 | 683 | 11529 |
 | Sinistar (revision 3) | 1982 | Williams | sinistar | Shooter / Field | 9.50 | 623 | 14977 |
 | Galaxian (Namco set 1) | 1979 | Namco | galaxian | Shooter / Gallery | 9.49 | 1008 | 30574 |
 | Pop Flamer (protected) | 1982 | Jaleco | popflame | Maze / Shooter Small | 9.49 | 39 | 12130 |
 | Quartet (Rev A, 8751 315-5194) | 1986 | Sega | quartet | Maze / Shooter Large | 9.49 | 497 | 16733 |
 | NATO Defense (sample of: natodef) | 1982 | Pacific Novelty | natodef | Maze / Shooter Small | 9.49 | 72 | 5149 |
 | Joust (White/Green label) | 1982 | Williams | joust | Platform / Run Jump | 9.49 | 3388 | 28791 |
 | 2020 Super Baseball (set 1) | 1991 | SNK / Pallas | 2020bb | Sports / Baseball | 9.48 | 171307 | 202180 |
 | Space Harrier (Rev A, 8751 315-5163A) | 1985 | Sega | sharrier | Shooter / Flying (chase view) | 9.48 | 29581 | 54567 |
 | Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (set 1) | 1989 | Atari Games | eprom | Maze / Shooter Large | 9.48 | 277 | 15347 |
 | Xybots (rev 2) | 1987 | Atari Games | xybots | Maze / Shooter Large | 9.47 | 2016 | 14990 |
 | Rootin' Tootin' / La-Pa-Pa (DECO Cassette) | 1983 | Data East Corporation | clapapa | Maze | 9.47 | 17 | 5283 |
 | Pulsar (sample of: pulsar) | 1981 | Sega | pulsar | Maze / Shooter Small | 9.46 | 471 | 13449 |
 | Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2O 1995/02/20) | 1994 | Taito Corporation Japan | elvactr | Platform / Shooter | 9.46 | 11111 | 23373 |
 | Mouse Trap (version 5) | 1981 | Exidy | mtrap | Maze | 9.46 | 1403 | 15025 |
 | Lady Bug | 1981 | Universal | ladybug | Maze | 9.46 | 569 | 18606 |
 | Cloak & Dagger (rev 5) | 1983 | Atari | cloak | Shooter / Field | 9.46 | 543 | 15378 |
 | Space Wars (sample of: spacewar) | 1977 | Cinematronics | spacewar | Shooter / Field | 9.46 | 5898 | 20296 |
 | Time Tunnel | 1982 | Taito Corporation | timetunl | Maze | 9.45 | 598 | 12367 |
 | PuckMan (Japan set 1) | 1980 | Namco | puckman | Maze | 9.45 | 19492 | 44404 |
 | Samurai Shodown IV - Amakusa's Revenge / Samurai Spirits - Amakusa Kourin (NGM-222)(NGH-222) | 1996 | SNK | samsho4 | Fighter / Versus | 9.44 | 128121 | 155330 |
 | I, Robot | 1983 | Atari | irobot | Shooter / Misc. | 9.44 | 1206 | 15526 |
 | Lost Tomb (easy) | 1982 | Stern Electronics | losttomb | Maze / Shooter Small | 9.44 | 309 | 16332 |