| The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg set 1) (clone of: kof2003) | 2003 | bootleg | kf2k3bl | | 0.00 |
| The King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg set 2) (clone of: kof2003) | 2003 | bootleg | kf2k3bla | | 0.00 |
| The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan, JAMMA PCB) | 2003 | SNK Playmore | kf2k3pcb | | 8.02 |
| The King of Fighters 2003 (NGH-2710) (clone of: kof2003) | 2003 | SNK Playmore | kof2003h | | 0.00 |
| The King of Fighters 2003 (NGM-2710) | 2003 | SNK Playmore | kof2003 | | 8.45 |
| The King of Fighters 2004 Plus / Hero (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg) (clone of: kof2003) | 2003 | bootleg | kf2k3pl | | 0.00 |
| The King of Fighters 2004 Ultra Plus (The King of Fighters 2003 bootleg) (clone of: kof2003) | 2003 | bootleg | kf2k3upl | | 0.00 |
| The King of Fighters Neowave | 2005 | Sammy / SNK Playmore | kofnw | | 9.00 |
| The King of Fighters Neowave (Japan) (clone of: kofnw) | 2005 | Sammy / SNK Playmore | kofnwj | | 0.00 |
| The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg) (clone of: kof2002) | 2004 | bootleg | kof2k4se | | 0.00 |
| The King of Fighters XI | 2005 | Sammy / SNK Playmore | kofxi | | 6.50 |
 | The Koukouyakyuh (sample of: equites) | 1985 | Alpha Denshi Co. | kouyakyu | Sports / Baseball | 7.11 |
 | The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGH-2340) (clone of: lastblad) | 1997 | SNK | lastbladh | | 0.00 |
 | The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340) | 1997 | SNK | lastblad | Fighter / Versus | 9.17 |
 | The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430)(NGH-2430) | 1998 | SNK | lastbld2 | Fighter / Versus | 9.48 |
| The Last Bounty Hunter v0.06 | 1994 | American Laser Games | lastbh | | 0.00 |
 | The Last Day (set 1) | 1990 | Dooyong | lastday | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 6.00 |
 | The Last Day (set 2) (clone of: lastday) | 1990 | Dooyong | lastdaya | Shooter / Flying Vertical | 0.00 |
 | The Last Soldier (Korean release of The Last Blade) (clone of: lastblad) | 1997 | SNK | lastsold | | 0.00 |
| The Last Starfighter (prototype) | 1984 | Atari Games | laststar | | 0.00 |