| Skins Game (1.06, alt) (clone of: mwskins) | 2000 | Midway | mwskinsa | | 0.00 |
| Slashout (GDS-0004) | 2000 | Sega | slashout | | 0.00 |
| Slashout (JPN, USA, EXP, KOR, AUS) | 2000 | Sega | slasho | | 5.04 |
| Soutenryu (V2.07J) | 2000 | Warashi | soutenry | | 0.00 |
| Spectrum 2000 (Euro) | 2000 | Yona Tech | spec2k | | 8.00 |
| Sports Jam (GDS-0003) | 2000 | Sega | sprtjam | | 0.00 |
| Steal See (& Get Land) | 2000 | Moov Generation / Eolith | stealsee | | 0.00 |
| Super World Stadium 2000 (Japan, SS01/VER.A) | 2000 | Namco | sws2000 | | 0.00 |
| Taihou de Doboon | 2000 | Sammy | tdoboon | | 6.00 |
| Taisen Hot Gimmick 4 Ever (Japan) | 2000 | Psikyo | hotgm4ev | | 7.68 |
| Tang Tang (ver. 0526, 26/05/2000) | 2000 | ESD | tangtang | | 6.00 |
| Tecmo World Cup Millennium (Japan) | 2000 | Tecmo | tecmowcm | Sports / Soccer | 7.43 |
| Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 | 2000 | Arika | tgm2 | | 7.43 |
| Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 Plus (clone of: tgm2) | 2000 | Arika | tgm2p | | 0.00 |
| The Block Kuzushi (Japan) | 2000 | Tamsoft / D3 Publisher | tblkkuzu | | 5.50 |
 | The King of Fighters 2000 (NGM-2570) (NGH-2570) | 2000 | SNK | kof2000 | Fighter / Versus | 9.38 |
 | The King of Fighters 2000 (not encrypted) (clone of: kof2000) | 2000 | SNK | kof2000n | Fighter / Versus | 0.00 |
| The Simpsons - Homer's Meltdown (Maygay) (EPOCH) (2.9, set 2) (clone of: ep_homer) | 2000 | Maygay | ep_homeri | | 0.00 |
| The Simpsons - Homer's Meltdown (Maygay) (EPOCH) (2.A, set 1) | 2000 | Maygay | ep_homer | | 0.00 |
| The Typing of the Dead (JPN, USA, EXP, KOR, AUS) (Rev A) | 2000 | Sega | totd | | 0.00 |