| Pounds Of The Baskervilles (Maygay) (EPOCH) (2.2, set 2) (clone of: ep_baskr) | 1969 | Maygay | ep_baskra | | 0.00 |
| Pounds Of The Baskervilles (Maygay) (EPOCH) (2.2, set 3) (clone of: ep_baskr) | 1969 | Maygay | ep_baskrb | | 0.00 |
| Povar / Sobrat' Buran / Agroprom (Arcade multi-game bootleg of ZX Spectrum 'Cookie', 'Jetpac' & 'Pssst') | 1969 | bootleg | kok | | 5.00 |
| Power Balls | 1994 | Playmark | powerbal | | 7.00 |
| Power Balls (Super Slam conversion) (clone of: powerbal) | 1994 | Playmark | powerbals | | 0.00 |
 | Power Blade (PlayChoice-10) | 1991 | Taito (Nintendo of America license) | pc_pwbld | Platform / Fighter | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 1) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrz | | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 2) (clone of: sc4pwcrz) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrza | | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 3) (clone of: sc4pwcrz) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrzb | | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 4) (clone of: sc4pwcrz) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrze | | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 5) (clone of: sc4pwcrz) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrzf | | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 6) (clone of: sc4pwcrz) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrzg | | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy SP98 (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 1) (clone of: sc4pwcrz) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrzc | | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy SP98 (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 2) (clone of: sc4pwcrz) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrzd | | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy SP98 (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 3) (clone of: sc4pwcrz) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrzh | | 0.00 |
| Power Crazy SP98 (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 4) (clone of: sc4pwcrz) | 1969 | BFM | sc4pwcrzi | | 0.00 |
| Power Drift (Japan) (clone of: pdrift) | 1988 | Sega | pdriftj | Driving / Race (chase view) | 0.00 |
| Power Drift (World) (clone of: pdrift) | 1988 | Sega | pdrifta | | 0.00 |
| Power Drift (World, Earlier) (clone of: pdrift) | 1988 | Sega | pdrifte | | 0.00 |
| Power Drift (World, Rev A) | 1988 | Sega | pdrift | Driving / Race (chase view) | 7.71 |